COACH'S CORNER: THE 7-MINUTE WORKOUT [Back]Author: Jeff Bytomski, DO ![]() High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has increased in popularity over the last few years. It is a great way to combine aerobic and resistance training. The 7-minute workout was developed by Brett Klika and Chris Jordan as a way for anyone to start this type of training with little experience or equipment. It encourages participants to start with minimal investment (only 7 minutes!) and progress as tolerated to three rounds (21 minutes). This is also a great way for coaches to introduce functional bodyweight training to their clients or teams. It is also a good starting point for athletes in their early teens for a way to start resistance training prior to weightlifting. The workout consists of 12 exercises done for 30 seconds with 10 second rest between each exercise: 1. Jumping jacks (Total body) Caution should be taken when prescribing this protocol to individuals who are overweight/obese, detrained, previously injured or elderly or for individuals with comorbidities. For individuals with hypertension or heart disease, the isometric exercises (wall sit, plank and side plank) are not recommended. An easy way to start using the 7-Minute workout is to download the official Johnson and Johnson 7-Minute Workout app on the App Store for iPhone and iPad and the Google Play Store for Android. It is free and gives more of the background of the workout, video demonstrations and audio cues and the ability to design custom workouts. Reference: HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum Results with Minimal |