Back and Neck

Back injuries result from damage, wear, or trauma to the bones, muscles, or other tissues of the back. Common back injuries include sprains and strains, herniated disks, and fractured vertebrae. It is estimated that low-back pain may affect as much as 50 to 70 percent of the general population in the United States.

Those having trouble breathing while exercising might be suffering from vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), also known as paradoxical vocal fold movement/motion (PVFM)....[Read More]
Trigger point injections are a safe and quick procedure that can be performed at a sports medicine physician's office to relieve pain and discomfort from trigger points....[Read More]
Stingers, also known as burners, are common injuries in contact sports, such as American football and rugby. These injuries can also be seen in wrestling, hockey, basketball, and boxing...[Read More]
Spondylolysis is a stress fracture of a bone or bones within the lower back. It most commonly affects the last/fifth bone on the lower back (the “L5” bone), and usually only one side...[Read More]
Scheuermann disease is a fixed deformity of the thoracic spine (the mid-spine at the levels the ribs attach to)....[Read More]
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the bones and joints associated with psoriasis, which is a condition that causes a scaly, plaque-like rash on the skin....[Read More]
Lower back pain in athletes covers multiple conditions and can be caused by a variety of injuries, ranging from strained muscles and ligaments to bony abnormalities....[Read More]
Low back pain is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits. Patients often request an X-ray or MRI of the lower back to identify the exact cause of the pain....[Read More]
A strain or sprain is an injury to a muscle or ligament. There are many parts of the neck that can be injured, such as the muscles, ligaments, bones, discs, and nerves. A cervical strain or sprain is a neck injury that involves the muscles or ligaments of the neck. This type of injury can happen in any sport when there is a collision between two athletes, a fall, or contact with impact to the head. ...[Read More]
Cervical stenosis is when the central spinal canal (the space where the spinal cord travels down the spine) becomes narrowed at the level of the neck....[Read More]
"Cervical radiculopathy" is the medical term used for what is more commonly known as a “pinched nerve,” in this case, at the neck....[Read More]
There are many causes of low back pain. Fortunately, the most common causes are not conditions that require urgent intervention....[Read More]
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